# of watchers: 5
| D20: 18 |
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Artistic: | 0 |
Funny-rating: | 0 |
Friendly: | 0 |
2010-03-02 [WASHACKED]: Max just shugged
2010-03-02 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond looked at Max, I am deathly serious! She saved your grandpa and cousin the most you could do is thank her or something instead of acting like an insensitive fool! he mentaly snapped at him.
2010-03-02 [WASHACKED]: Max, "Thanks Poppy." He said and looked at Armond. I don't really care I'm very pissed at her, not like she couldn't say hi for a minute in four years. He snapped and blocked Armond out which he never did inless he was very pissed
2010-03-02 [Tis gone but never gone]: Poppy,"What for?" she looked a little confuessed.
Amrond growled a little.
2010-03-02 [WASHACKED]: Max, "For helping my grandfather and cusen."
2010-03-02 [Tis gone but never gone]: Poppy,"Your welcome." she smiles
2010-03-02 [WASHACKED]: Max nodded looked at Armond,
2010-03-02 [Tis gone but never gone]: Poppy,"Oh Maximus I have something I need to tell you...alone."
Armond,"I'll be at the house."he flex his jaw and teleported to his house.
2010-03-02 [WASHACKED]: Max, "What?" He snapped
2010-03-02 [Tis gone but never gone]: Poppy frowned and walked into Max's office and sat down.
2010-03-02 [WASHACKED]: Max sighed and fallowed mubbling about torture. XD He sat down in his chair and looked at her, "OK tell me."
2010-03-02 [Tis gone but never gone]: Poppy,"I found out from my ghost spys that there is a group of SB's that want your whole family dead. They beilieve the Turrner's have had there time and that there should be a new leader ship." she frowned,"I am sorry Maximus."
2010-03-02 [WASHACKED]: Max looked at her, "Alots of people think that but I'm not getting down. Less people are thinking this becasue I am changing things for the good not for my self like other people in my family have." Now get out."
2010-03-02 [Tis gone but never gone]: Poppy,"You haven't heard about your great-auntie Flora and Michelle yet have you? They died last week, they where hanged out side there home in France with a message." she took out a card with a message on it.
2010-03-02 [WASHACKED]: Max sighed and took it looking at it. [Whats it say?]
2010-03-02 [Tis gone but never gone]: Death to the Turrner's your rain is over the time of darkness and blood shall begain with the death of Maximus, Wyatt and Annie Turrner!
Poppy,"I have put your niece Annie under protection because she is only a new born baby. I think they want to kill you, Wyatt and Annie because you are all the first born children and you have the most power too." She stood up and walked to Max and hugged him,"I'm sorry for your loses."
2010-03-02 [WASHACKED]: Max moved back his chair pulling out of the hug, "Wyatt has the most power, I'm really only doing this to keep him safe. I whould have passed the postion to my father."
2010-03-02 [Tis gone but never gone]: Poppy looked a hurt that he never hugged her back,"I know."
2010-03-02 [WASHACKED]: Max was looking at the note so didn't see her face, "I'll still keep Wyatt by me his like Jace, can;t fight worth anything."
2010-03-02 [Tis gone but never gone]: Poppy,"From what I hear he is too much like his mother, she dosen't like to fight either."
2010-03-02 [WASHACKED]: Max, "He is like her but doesnt think so. Yeah Alice can fight to a point but not Wyatt." He sighed shaking his head
2010-03-02 [Tis gone but never gone]: Poppy smiles at him,"Your a good man Maximus."
2010-03-02 [WASHACKED]: Max shugged he set the note down and rubbed his eyes, "Well this hate group might not have much people. Cause most stopped since they see I am turning around my races for good."
2010-03-02 [Tis gone but never gone]: Poppy,"Well I'm shocked they even managed to kill Flora and Michelle, well because of Flora's history with killing. I know she stopped the blood shed when she met Michelle but Flora was powerful and a great warrior...it's just a shock for me. I knew Flora ever well when she came to vist Armond, Luna and Jace. She was kinda nice to me but by much tho."
2010-03-02 [WASHACKED]: Max, "I know I met her a few times. Trained with her for a mouth one summer dad came thogh to."
2010-03-02 [Tis gone but never gone]: Poppy,"She was a great women, I'll miss her."she sniffed a little as a couple of tears run down her face.
2010-03-02 [WASHACKED]: Max nodded
2010-03-02 [Tis gone but never gone]: Poppy wiped her face,"So what you going to do about this group that is hunting Turrner?"
2010-03-02 [WASHACKED]: Max, "What I always do."
2010-03-02 [Tis gone but never gone]: Poppy,"Which would be?"
2010-03-02 [WASHACKED]: Max looked at her, "You should know why?"
2010-03-02 [Tis gone but never gone]: Poppy,"Look I'll deal with anti-Turnner group. Maybe you might forgive me."she started to walk out the room
2010-03-02 [WASHACKED]: Max rolled his eyes he waited to say something rude but went back to his work
2010-03-02 [Tis gone but never gone]: Poppy turned into a ghost and did some looking around.
2010-03-02 [WASHACKED]: Max looked up and didn't see poppy he waved his hand the door closing as he sighed going back to work, "Bloody hell poppy she acted like after she told me what happened it should go back to how it is. What ever the hole Ive been alive for four years had time to keeps tabs on you but not to say hi made it fucken worse. And Im called the ass,:
2010-03-02 [Tis gone but never gone]: Poppy frowned as she listened and waited to see if he would say anything else about her.
2010-03-02 [WASHACKED]: Max shook his head, "God fucken bitch like my best friend and she does that now juges me casue I grew up."
2010-03-02 [Tis gone but never gone]: Poppy blinked back to tears in her eyes, she felt really bad for hurting Max.
2010-03-02 [WASHACKED]: Max shook his head and went back to work, "Yeah somethings you cant forget."
2010-03-02 [Tis gone but never gone]: Poppy disspeared.
2010-03-02 [WASHACKED]: Max worked more
2010-03-02 [Tis gone but never gone]: Poppy went to find the anti-Turrner group.
2010-03-02 [WASHACKED]: Max yawned and telaported home/
2010-03-02 [Tis gone but never gone]: Poppy found them and took all 800 of there souls.
2010-03-02 [WASHACKED]: Max layed down on the couch in the empty living room and screamed in a pellow it mubbled by the pellow
2010-03-02 [Tis gone but never gone]: Poppy took the souls to Heaven for the judgment then she appeared next to Max, she touched his shoudler,"Maxi
2010-03-02 [WASHACKED]: Max stoped and sighed, "What?!" He growled it mubbled by the pellow
2010-03-02 [Silverline]: Zander walked into the living room "Dad ar-" He froze and stopped talking when he saw Poppy
2010-03-02 [WASHACKED]: Max sat up and saw Zander he pulled Zander close, "Hey kiddos, this is Ms. Hale."
2010-03-02 [Silverline]: Zander looked at Poppy but didn't say anything.
2010-03-02 [WASHACKED]: Max held Zander close and looked at Poppy, "What do you need? I had a long day and want to spend sometime with my sons and my dad."
2010-03-02 [Tis gone but never gone]: Poppy nodded,"I understand, I just go. I thought you might want to know that group we where talking about I have taken care of them. See you around Maximus."she teleported away.
2010-03-02 [Silverline]: Zander frowned. She was mean,
2010-03-02 [WASHACKED]: Max sighed and kissed Zander;s head, "God I need a drink." He nodded, "She used to be daddys best friend." [*Gasp* not aloud till he;s 100 XD]
2010-03-02 [Silverline]: Zander hugged Max tightly
2010-03-02 [WASHACKED]: Max hugged him back, "You want some juice?"
2010-03-02 [Tis gone but never gone]: Poppy sighed as she helped the other SB's clean up her office.
Mike walked into the living room,"Grandson you look trobled."
2010-03-02 [WASHACKED]: Max looked at Mike, "Yes like he.. ummm heck."
2010-03-02 [Tis gone but never gone]: Mike,"You want to talk about it? That's if your not too young to be talking to a old, old, old man like me?"he chuckles and sits next to him.
2010-03-02 [WASHACKED]: Max chukled and rolled his eyes bouncing Zander in his knee. "You herd the soty of poppy right?"
2010-03-02 [Silverline]: Zander looked at Mike curiously.
2010-03-02 [Tis gone but never gone]: Mike,"Poppy? Oh yes I have, she saved myself and Emilia two weeks ago from that nasty dark fae prince. I owe her my life and that of my families. She is a lovely young women."he looked at Max,"Why do you ask about her, grandson?"
2010-03-02 [WASHACKED]: Max sighed and told him all about Poppy and him as he boucned ZAnder
2010-03-02 [Silverline]: Zander, Is that your grandpa, daddy?
2010-03-02 [Tis gone but never gone]: Mike nodded as he listened.
2010-03-02 [WASHACKED]: Max finshed and nodded at Zander, "Yeah this is daddys grandpa, the nice one. He;s and old wolife."
2010-03-02 [Silverline]: Zander chewed his lip "Hi,"
2010-03-02 [Tis gone but never gone]: Mike chuckles,"Well grandson do you know I have never heard of an SB having a strong enough soul to go threw what Poppy has, she must be one strong young lady. But did you for her to get where she is today, she wasn't aloud to see or hear from any of her loved ones, no friends, no family. I am sorry, grandson but your Poppy has told you the truth about what happened after she left you. Maybe you should tell her how you feel, and then take things from there. But please do not tell your pride get in your way, for Turrner's and Silverfangs do share that in the family." he patted Max's shoudler.
2010-03-02 [Tis gone but never gone]: Mike looked at Zander,"Hello greatgrandson.
2010-03-02 [WASHACKED]: Max rolled his eyes, "You know I dont care ok, I dont give a sh.... a dang she acted like it should go back to how it was and like I should have never changed for her or something. And Zander he said hello."
2010-03-02 [Silverline]: Zander smiled hesitantly
2010-03-02 [Tis gone but never gone]: Mike sighed,"Grands
2010-03-02 [WASHACKED]: Max sighed, "Sorry cant help but bite at times. And if you say leach boy I'll kill you I still cant belive he tild you >.<:
2010-03-02 [Tis gone but never gone]: Mike,"I wasn't going to call you that. Now talk to Poppy and tell her how you feel, okay?"
2010-03-02 [WASHACKED]: Max shugged, "Later I had a long day." He passed him Zander, "You know I dont care I'm getting in to mums stash of vocka." He welked out of the room
2010-03-02 [Silverline]: Zander frowned and went to his room
2010-03-02 [Tis gone but never gone]: Mike sighed and shook his head.
2010-03-02 [WASHACKED]: Max went to the voka and sat down by the cabnet as he pulled out one of the glasses from a cubert and poored a shot and drank it
2010-03-02 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond sighed after he finished feeding Liz,"You have to get better Elizabeth, your brother needs you."
Liz,"Fuck off you bastord!"seh yelled at him.
Armond sighed and walked out Liz's room.
2010-03-02 [WASHACKED]: Max took another shot,
2010-03-02 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond sniffed and could smell vodka, he teleported to Max,"SOn."
2010-03-02 [Silverline]: David knocked loudly on the front door
2010-03-02 [WASHACKED]: Max blinked and looked over his sholder at Armond, "Ummmm getting rid of it to hide temtaion from you.... you know nope been a long fucked up day needed it. And its good I dont wanna wate till im 100."
2010-03-02 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond sighed
Emilia ansered the door,"Hello?"
2010-03-02 [WASHACKED]: Max frowned and passed him the bottle and cup, "OK I know that look. Sorry daddys. But you let Jace smole and drink."
2010-03-02 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond,"I know, I know."
2010-03-02 [Silverline]: David growled "I need to speak with Maximus. Now."
Silver leaned heavily on David, eyes half shut
2010-03-02 [WASHACKED]: Max frowned, "But let me guess I;m your favorit first born and you want me in good heath and Im still to young to drink?"
2010-03-02 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond,"Maximu
Emilia,"Do not growl at me."she snapped as she took the to Max.
2010-03-03 [WASHACKED]: Max frowned wathcing Armond leave he sighed and set the bottle back.
2010-03-03 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond walked to Jaz,"Love."he hugged her tightly cause he need a hug.
Emilia took Sliver and David to Max,"Cousin your wife and father-in-law are here,."
2010-03-03 [Silverline]: David dragged Silver in.
2010-03-03 [WASHACKED]: Jaz hugged him back, "whats wrong love?"
Max blinked and looked around Emilia up at David and Silver from where he sat on the floor
2010-03-03 [Silverline]: David growled at Max. "What did you do to her?"
2010-03-03 [Tis gone but never gone]: Emilia,"Bloody hell your drunk."she sighed and grabed the bottle and put it back in the cupbord.
2010-03-03 [WASHACKED]: Max frowned at Smilia, "I had two drinks I am not." He snapped at her. Than looked at David, "What did I do to her?"
Jaz frowned, "Why??"
2010-03-03 [Tis gone but never gone]: Emilia sighed.
Armond,"He's getting to much like me when I was younger, well alot, alot, alot younger."he sighed.
2010-03-03 [WASHACKED]: Jaz sighed and looked at Armond, "And you expeckted him not too? "
2010-03-03 [Silverline]: David let go of Silver and let her drop to the floor "Look at her! She's barely conscious; when I tried to get her to drink blood, she just puked it all up again!"
2010-03-03 [WASHACKED]: Max frowned and pulled Silver on his lap, "I didn't do a fucken thing to her. She was with you
2010-03-03 [Silverline]: David growled "Well I've never seen her this fucking sick! You did this so I'd bring her back!"
2010-03-03 [Tis gone but never gone]: Emilia,"Cousin you want me to get Casey and Jones or Poppy? Or someone?"
Armond,"I thought he would grow into his own person."
2010-03-03 [WASHACKED]: Max frowned and held Silver, "Casey."
Jaz sighed, "I know, but he's so muach like you Armond I'm not surprised he really isn;t.|
2010-03-03 [Silverline]: Silver tried to open her eyes
David growled softly
2010-03-03 [Tis gone but never gone]: Emilia nodded,"K." she looked at David,"You just watch yourself vamp."she snarled at him then she walked to the phone and called Casey.
Armond,"I thought maybe Elizabeth or Poppy being his life would help make him his own person but I guess I was wrong."
2010-03-03 [WASHACKED]: Max growled back at David as he held Silver
Jaz frowned at Armond, "I thoght you wainted him to be like you and how is he becomeing like you?"
2010-03-03 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond,"No all the time. Not they way he is with..."he got cut off with Liz's yelling,"Time to feed her again. I'll be back."he kissed her before teleporting to the ktichen and grabed some blood and then to Liz's room.
Emilia talked to Casey's daughter Belle.
2010-03-03 [Silverline]: David glared at him "Just make her better so I can take her home."
2010-03-03 [WASHACKED]: Max glareed at him.
Jax sighed and sat down
2010-03-03 [Tis gone but never gone]: Emilia,"What?! Belle I swear to god if your not telling me the truth I will rip you a new one."she snarled down the phone.
Armond fed Liz then he teleported back to Jaz with a bite mark on his hand.
2010-03-03 [WASHACKED]: Jaz frowned and took Armond's hand and kissed the cut, "So go on Armond."
2010-03-03 [Silverline]: David crossed his arms and leaned against the wall
2010-03-03 [Tis gone but never gone]: Emilia sighed and hanged up and looked at Max,"She is busy and so is Jonas but Belle told me to tell you to call Poppy to help."
Armond smiles at her,"Now where was I? oh yes I remember. I just don't like the fact he hide his emotions all the time. And the way he has been acting with Poppy...that is just not good for all over us."
2010-03-03 [WASHACKED]: Max sighed, "Fine call her."
Jaz sighed, "Let me guess your scared he;s going to end up like you before he came?"
2010-03-03 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond,"Yes that is my point."he sat next to her and wrapped his arm around her.
EMilia,"Like now would be good cuz."
2010-03-03 [WASHACKED]: Jaz nodded and cuddled to him, "He knows what you where like he wount Armond, he'll soon see how he is and remeber when you where drunk."
Max, "You call her."
2010-03-03 [Tis gone but never gone]: Emilia,"No, she's not my friend. She's yours and Silver is your wife, not mine. So this is your mess, so you call her."
Armond cuddled her,"I just hope he dose. Or maybe I should get drunk and remind him."
2010-03-03 [Silverline]: Silver mumbled something
2010-03-04 [WASHACKED]: Jaz fronwed, "Armond you will not I herd how bad you scared that boy."
Max frowned and sighed glaring at Emilia, "Emilia now do it." He snapped
2010-03-04 [Tis gone but never gone]: Emilia,"You should be glad you family or I would have killed you by now."she snarled then she texted Poppy.
Poppy sighed and looked at her phone,"Oh my."she teleported to Maximus,"Hey."
Armond chuckles,"I was joking on the last bit, love."
2010-03-04 [WASHACKED]: Max frowned, "Thats what we want to know Ms. Hale." He looked at Emilia, "I almost killed you then I was 14 to shut it or I will."
Jaz chukled, "Sorry half the time I cant tell if you or Maximus are jokeing."
2010-03-04 [Tis gone but never gone]: Emilia glared at him and bite back a growl,"Yes, sir."
Poppy,"It's Poppy, Maximus, not Ms.Hale." she said and touched Silver's cheek,"Lay her down on the sofa, now please."she took her hand back.
Armond chuckles,"Yes us Turrner's have a weird sence of humor."
2010-03-04 [WASHACKED]: Max took Silver and layed her on the couch.
Jaz chukled and nodded
2010-03-04 [Tis gone but never gone]: Poppy's hands hovered over Silver's body. She closed her eyes and focus,"Hmmmmm.
Emilia watched Poppy closely, she was ready to take her down if her hurt Silver.
Armond chuckles as he held her close.
2010-03-04 [WASHACKED]: Max watched his arms crossed over his chest.
Jaz smiled and kissed his jaw
2010-03-04 [Tis gone but never gone]: Poppy frowned a little as she touched Silver lightly then she took her hand back as if she had been hurt, her eyes snapped open.
Emilia took a step forward as she flexed her jaw.
Armond shivered.
2010-03-04 [WASHACKED]: Max frowned at Poppy, "What's wrong with her?"
Jaz chukled and rolled her eyes, "Armond you get turned on to fast." He chaukled shaking her head
2010-03-04 [Tis gone but never gone]: Poppy stood up and brushed herself off,"It's her soul."
Emilia frowned.
Armond,"You know that's my soft spot."he chuckles.
2010-03-04 [WASHACKED]: Max frowned at Poppy.
Jaz chukled, "I know I just like to tease you."
2010-03-04 [Tis gone but never gone]: Poppy looked at Max,"Can I talk to you...alone?"s
Emilia looked at Max with raised eyebows.
Armond chuckles,"I know love."
2010-03-04 [WASHACKED]: Max sighed, "You can talkto me hear, and now Emilia is family and one of my wolves she'll hear of it soon any way."
Jaz smiled
2010-03-04 [Tis gone but never gone]: Poppy nodded and turned back to Max,"Very well, Maximus. It's her soul."
Armond smiles
2010-03-04 [WASHACKED]: max, "I herd you the first time." He snapped.
Jaz cuddled him and kissed his jaw, "Wanna go to bed love?"
2010-03-04 [Tis gone but never gone]: Poppy,"Do not snap at me."she sighed."Her soul is fighting her body for some reason." she frowned,"I'm sorry Maximus."
Emilia frowned.
2010-03-04 [WASHACKED]: Max rose an eyebrow and frowned
2010-03-04 [Tis gone but never gone]: Poppy,"I can help her but...it's risky."
Emilia,"How risky?"she snarled at Poppy as she walked to her.
Armond shiver,"Teasin
2010-03-04 [WASHACKED]: Max frowned at her.
Jaz chukled, "Nope not teasing."
2010-03-04 [Tis gone but never gone]: Poppy looked at Emilia,"Back off she-wolf."she said softly.
Emilia,"You don't ordered me about."she snapped,"Now heal Silver!"she snarled.
Poppy nodded,"But it will take time but she dose have the time I need."
2010-03-04 [WASHACKED]: Max shook his head and pinched between his eyes, "Both of you shut up you'll wake the boys."
Jaz nodded
2010-03-04 [Tis gone but never gone]: Emilia got down one knee and bow her head,"Sorry sir."
Poppy looked at Emilia then to Max,"I'm not bowing. And sorry for the little tif."
Armond chuckles as he kissed her neck.
2010-03-05 [WASHACKED]: Max glared at Poppy, "I don't care if you do poppy ok just shut up so I can at least hear my thoghts." He snpped
Jaz smiled
2010-03-05 [Tis gone but never gone]: Poppy sighed,"very well."she knelt by Silver. Poppy's soul left her body and entered Silver's. Poppy's body fell to the ground.
Armond held her close.
2010-03-05 [WASHACKED]: Max glanced at Poppy on the floor as he sat down rubbing his eyes
Jaz smiled nuzzling to him
2010-03-05 [Tis gone but never gone]: Emilia caught Poppy's body and layed her gently on the ground. She looked at Silver with worry.
Poppy was in Silver's soul healing it.
Armond nuzzled her back.
2010-03-05 [WASHACKED]: Max rubbed his eyes with a frown
2010-03-05 [Tis gone but never gone]: Emilia,"Think she's going to heal her or not?"she never took her eyes off Silver as she spoke to Max.
Poppy's body started to bleed from the nose and ears.
2010-03-05 [WASHACKED]: Max shugged, "Who knows but I smell blood." He mubbled in his hands
2010-03-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Emilia looked down at Poppy,"It's...
2010-03-06 [WASHACKED]: Max sighed and looked up, "Fuck don't drop her." Max picked Poppy up getting blood on himself. POPPY got out of Silver!He yelled with his mind
2010-03-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Poppy just ketp healing Silver's soul while her body bleeds more.
Liz zoomed out her room and down the stairs and to where Poppy's body was, she ran in the room."Blood."s
Emilia,"No ya don't."she trackled Liz to the ground and pinned her there as Liz snapped at Emilia's neck,"You bite me and I will kill you, Elizabeth."she snarled.
2010-03-06 [WASHACKED]: Max turned to look at Liz and frowned he looked at Silver. POPPy you fucken stuid get out or youll kill your self you know I don't care. He put her body back down and looked at Liz ans he wiped blood off him
2010-03-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Poppy heard that, If you do not care then why are you warning me, huh? she mentaly whispered back as she healed Silver more.
Liz,"Blood, give me blood!"she snapped her teeth at Emilia's neck as she tryed to get free, so she could drain Poppy.
Emilia,"No fucking way, bitch!"she snarled as she head butted Liz.
2010-03-06 [WASHACKED]: Max sighed, "Emilia move when I have hold of her." He went by Liz and grabed her wrists tightly
2010-03-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Emilia,"Yes sir." she slowly let go of Liz.
Liz snarled at EMilia then she looked at Max,"You...It'
2010-03-06 [WASHACKED]: Max frowned at her and moved on top of Emilia as she moved, "Emilia I need you to hold the doors open for me as well as get new ropes."
2010-03-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Emilia,"Sure thing boss."she ran to the doors and opened them.
Liz snapped her teeth more as she snarled and growled at him.
2010-03-06 [WASHACKED]: Max glared at her and went in her head and knocked her out
2010-03-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Liz was knocked out.
Emilia,"I would have knocked out the old fashioned way."she mubbles.
2010-03-06 [WASHACKED]: Max sighed, "Yes so whould have I but I was holding her down."
2010-03-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Emilia,"Well get her to her room then we'd best come up with a plan to deal with the angels cause they are not going to be happy with Poppy's almost dead body in your house."she said while Poppy's body bleeded more.
2010-03-06 [WASHACKED]: Max glared at Emilia, "I am and don't boss me around Emilia." He snapped getting up and picking up Liz and walking out
2010-03-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Emilia rolled her eyes,"Just pointing out all this, sir."she ran up to Liz's room, she opened then door then she ran to get more rope.
2010-03-06 [WASHACKED]: Max sighed, "I know sorry I'm just a bit over loaded in crap right now." He set Liz on her bed.
2010-03-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Emilia ran back into the room, just in time to hear what Max said,"Hey no worries cousin. We all have crap to deal with."she started to tie Liz to the bed.
2010-03-06 [WASHACKED]: Max helped her and nodded
2010-03-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Emilia,"You worried about that girl? What is her name, I keep forgeting it." She said as she tied Liz to the bed.
2010-03-06 [WASHACKED]: Max, "Silver and yes she's my wife."
2010-03-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Emilia looked at him,"No not, Silver. I can remember your wife's name. I was meaning that blond hair girl, you know the one that is so suck up her own ass she dosen;t care about anyone or anything."
2010-03-06 [WASHACKED]: Max, "Nope I dont I accully dont care what happens with her. She likes to think I do but she can die for all I care."
2010-03-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Emilia blinked in shock,"But...w
2010-03-06 [WASHACKED]: Max, "Because she's a bitch ok. I'm tired of her and the stuff I was put up with her. She had been my first kill than a ghost. I was realived when she had gone now she's back and I just want her gone. She annoys me like no one can ever do. Since I have knoen her I just want to hurt her. OK I can't stand her and really hate how she acts."
2010-03-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Emilia blinked again,"Some friend you are to her. I mean really, Poppy talked to granpa about you when you where younger. And how you where the only person who was nice to her, hell she even let you kill her! For fuck sake cousin, not even I would do that and I'm family! I mean really, she has done everything she can for you, she may annoy you but that is what friends and family do;they annoy each other and fight. Poppy is even safeing your wife, when you know she could just walk away and let Silver die but she didn't. She saved me and granpa from that fucking dark fae prince ans know she is saving Silver's life. Oh sorry I forgot she took the souls of 800 SB's with in 2 seconds. Which all this was to do with YOU> God you are mnent to be this great half breed but I never thought you could be this fucking thick!"she knew he was going to her hurt her but she couldn't care. She just glared at him then she left the room.
2010-03-06 [WASHACKED]: Max shugged, "OK but she's not my friend. I never wainted her ok. I just want her gone, no its always my fault right. I dont like someone so its forced apon me ok I get that. But I dont care ok. I dont like her I acully hate her and thats not going to change any way you dont know the hole fucken story." he growled.
2010-03-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Emilia walked back in the room,"So what is the whole fucking story then cousin, huh?" she snarled.
2010-03-06 [WASHACKED]: Max shook his head and pushed past Emilia, "Piss off I'm not up for it." He walked down the stiars and out the house slaming the door
2010-03-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Emilia,"What about Silver!!"she yelled.
Poppy's soul went back in her body after she finished healing Silver. She sat up,"God I hurt."she chuckles breathlessly. She teleported to Liz's room after Emilia ran out."You should be there for Maximus, cause he needs you."she whispered as she put her hand on Liz's forehead and took out the Touch that was making Liz go crazy. Then she teleported back to her office. She layed on her sofa and called Casey.
Casey teleported to Poppy's office and healed her without a word.
2010-03-06 [WASHACKED]: Max walked to the woods by the house
2010-03-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Poppy and Casey talked.
Liz blinked and frowned when she couldn't move,"Mummy! Maxy! Armond! Anyone!" MAXY! She mentaly sceramed at him.
2010-03-06 [WASHACKED]: Max had blocked his mind so he didnt hear
2010-03-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Emilia ran into Liz's room,"What the fuck do you want?"
Liz,"Emilia untie me, now!"
Emilia,"No fucking way."
Liz,"Untie me now or I will get Maxy to come and kick your ass!"
2010-03-06 [WASHACKED]: Max sighed as he walked.
2010-03-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Emilia laughed,"yes, I know he would and he would laugh while doing it. But really cousin in way you are you are too dangous to be let lose."
Liz,"What the fuck are you going on about?!"
2010-03-06 [WASHACKED]: Max stoped and pucnhed a tree
2010-03-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Emilia told Liz about the vampire touch.
Mike frowned,"grand
2010-03-06 [WASHACKED]: Max sighed and turned seeing Mike, "Yes?"
2010-03-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Mike,"Sit with me and let have a chat." he sat on a stone bench.
2010-03-06 [WASHACKED]: Max frowned and sat by him
2010-03-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Mike,"Now grandson, what is on your mind. I sence a lot of anger and rage bottled up inside of you,"
2010-03-06 [WASHACKED]: Max sighed and opened his mouth not sure where to start
2010-03-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Mike,"Start at the begining, grandson."
2010-03-06 [WASHACKED]: Max sighed, "Silver, she got sick and her father took her I'm angery about that cause I'm usless there. I know nothing of healing."
2010-03-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Mike nodded waiting for Max to go on.
2010-03-06 [WASHACKED]: Max sighed, "And poppy now I'm so pissed at her. I mean I cant stand her she gets on my last nerve with her first word for some reason. Yet she wount leave me alone."
2010-03-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Miek nodded and waited for Max to go on,.
2010-03-06 [WASHACKED]: Max sighed, "And every one likes poppy so much and tells me I need to be nice and stuff and wount leave me with it. And I got so stressed a drank just two shots dad saw me, and I think I've been upsetting him lately and thats like the last thing I want to do."
2010-03-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Mike nodded, he still didn't say a word, he just let Max raint.
2010-03-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Mike looked at Max,"Is that grandson?"
2010-03-06 [WASHACKED]: Max sighed, "As well as the hole going to be king if freacking me out. I mean growing up I didn't want to do somthing like most kids I wantied a dad and in the SB World it was still manly taken from me and me being a kid."
2010-03-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Mike nodded,"Anythi
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